Ever wondered what us professional photographers carry in our camera bags on a daily basis? Well, here's your chance to find out! I decided to empty the contents of my bag on to the kitchen table and see what I found....I have accumulated some interesting bits of kit over the past few months and years!
The picture below shows all my kit laid out with some arrows:
1. Main camera: Canon EOS 5d mark II
2. spare body, always an essential especially if you are far from home, Canon EOS 5d mark I
3. 2 x Canon 580EX flashguns, not the latest but still do a fantastic job
4. Flash accessories: Sunpak softbox, Honlphoto flash grid and the Honlphoto gobo/bounce card
5. Flash gels
6. Canon 16-35mm lens 2.8
7. Canon 50mm 1.4 lens
8. Canon 100mm macro lens, essential for my wedding photography
9. Canon 135mm 2.0 lens
10. Canon 85mm 1.8 lens
11. spare batteries for flash and skyports
12. mini flash stand
13. off camera flash cables
14. skyport transmitters
This is just the kit that I carry in my camera bag and doesn't include any extra lighting of which there is a lot! Not sure of the exact weight but am sure that it must be several bags of sugar, only those with trained biceps need apply for this job!
All joking aside, there is not a single thing on that table that I would not put back in my bag, it's not just about having the kit but also having spares with you in case of camera, lens or battery failure...in other words....be prepared!!!