By Matt Gore/iconphotomedia
FUJI X100s Review and Images - Tested on the Streets of NYC April 2013
All images Matt Gore ©2013 Please do not copy
It was a close call but the Fuji X100s arrived the day before I was due to fly to New York. I have to say a big thank you to Fuji and to London Camera Exchange Southampton for getting it to me in time.
So a 6 hour flight to get my head around the instruction manual...or watch all the 'Die Hard' movies back to back(?) .... I arrived in New York with a very basic grasp of the cameras functionality and faith in what one man can do when the chips are down!
Before I start I want to say - I am no Equipment Reviewer, I am a working Photographer based in London. I have been searching for a long time to find a digital camera that gives me film like performance on the street equal or bettering the Performance of my Voitlander bessa cameras.
This review is based upon my personal experience over the course of a week shooting everyday in NYC with only this Camera and a 'learn as I go attitude' The technical will be very brief to say the least - their are loads of great review sites out this review I will concentrate on the Camera for Street photography and Reportage's made for it!!
Styling and Durability
The look... Awesome! It looks the absolute business, feels it too. Solid well built and elegant. I had heard talk on the net of the welcome return to embossed steel casing, and I whole heartedly agree with the feeling 'why the hell did they stop making em like this'? As testament to this tough little trooper its first day of ownership with me in New York I bounced it straight on the concrete in front of my Hotel. Hadn't walked more than 10 paces!!!

I don't think it was the strap, more likely the fabric of my jacket, the camera slipped straight off my shoulder - I mistook the pull on my arm for trouble (hey I was Upper Westside by the Park, can't be too careful those limos may just be on lease!?!) The Camera bares a tiny nick on the based plate - but none worse for wear!
Score: Styling 9/10 Durability 9/10

Performance and Use
The Camera is so beautifully inconspicuous, it allows you to work quickly and a effectively. It's a shoe in for street photographers and photo journalist the world over! Due to its quality it's also a legitimate 2nd/back up Camera in your Pro kit especially when size and weight are issues. When set up to be, the Camera is totally silent and if you disguise your finger depression I found I could shoot directly looking at people.

I don't know the numbers but their is a shutter lag when compared to my Nikon D3x I was also fooled a few times by the use of the hybrid viewfinder. Again when set, it will preview the scene on the back then as you move the Camera to you eye it turns off the back screen and goes to electronic viewfinder. On taking the image the viewfinder displays the image - which I found useful at times and distracting at others, often confusing reality with the image and vise versa.

My main gripe is a stand out - the battery just doesn't last. Now I am sure you can turn off the electronic viewfinder and turn off the display at the back etc and conserve power but even in the instruction manual it only advertises 330 frames with a fully charged battery and that is most probably under 'preferable conditions' I have purchased a 2nd battery as it's essential Hahnel do them at about £20. My battery ran out every day while I was still shooting and just to warn you it's like a Profoto - One minute you have power the next...dead! I approximate I was getting 150 - 200 raw frames before it gave up the ghost!
Score : Performance 7/10 Use 8/10
The files, Colour Rendition and Image Quality.
This little Camera punches way way way above it's weight. The files are a dream to work with, aside from the rather Pedestrian Raw Converter software supplied, the files look smooth, sharp as a tack and respond well to adjustment and post. Colour rendition under mix lighting is clean and true. I like the pre programed 'Film looks' you can set. They have featured a setting for all the old favourites Velvia, Astia, Provia etc that reproduce that film stocks characteristics and behaviour. They also have included those slightly cheesy 'punch, toy, vintage settings you see in Aperture and Iphoto.
When you view one of the 40mb files at 100% it takes you a minute to just comprehend that you shot it on the little fella and haven't confused it with a DSLR card.
Take a look... 100% first then 200%

And Colour rendition is true and faithful

This quality performance along with the cameras speed, usability and discreet looks is why many reviewers are calling it 'One of the best cameras ever made' I am already starting to see why!
Score: Image Quality 10/10
Pro's and Cons
The Pros...Speed - Handling, Writing and Processing all super fast.
Size and Looks
Fill Flash is mind blowingly good! It just looks right!
Layout and Controls. Proper dial knobs and stuff.
Silent inconspicuous operation
Fast Shutter sync
Legitimate 2nd Camera for a Professional
Affordable (when compared to the finest German manufacturer)
Image Quality and Colour Rendition
Lens Qualilty
The Fill flash as seen here 'Post no Bills' Set to Fire always, camera on Aperture Priority with a 1/2 stop under exposure compensation and the flash knocked down a 1/3 (note I burnt in the edges of the hoarding a touch)

Buy it!!! or at least one of the others in the's awesome and you won't regret it!
Bravo Fuji!!! This is a Proper good camera and meets the requirements of so many different types of Photographer!!
I think it's a shoe in for any Photographer interested in Street, Documentary or Photojournalism. It's ability to grab a high quality image with manual intuative control makes it great for so many other photographers too. It starts to make me think about my equipment configuration and whether a move to medium format is made a little closer with the addition of this Camera in my bag?
This Camera wants to take great pictures - you feel it as soon as it's in your hand - whoever you are and whatever you need from Photography this Camera warrants your attention.
Priced around £1099 Available now.
Keep an eye here on the blog as it won't be too long before I post job images shot on the x100s
All Images Matt Gore
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