editorial and lifestyle photographers

18 Nov 2010

let me tell ya!

By Matt Gore - Photography by Vicky Matthers

I have lost count the amount of times I have muttered the immortal words 'just one more' 
and I have also lost count the amount of times I have been quizzed by the person I'm shooting 'I thought you said 'one' more you have taken loads, you must have something to use out of that lot! 

Iconphotomedia photographer Vicky Matthers had an interesting conversation on the photographer/celebrity relationship with an assignment to photograph Geoffrey Boycott England Cricket legend and now TV and radio commentator.  A notoriously difficult character to shoot if he's in the wrong mood, Vicky only had minutes before he was about to make a speech to grab an interesting portrait.

Here's how she did...

 and here is what she came up with...

contact sheet

Girl done good! This is how she lit it...

Elinchrom Quadra camera left, with shoot through brollie feathered slightly. Ambient lighting knocked down 3 stops. Vicky asked Geoffrey to tilt his hat back slightly and made sure his face caught enough light under the brim. Canon EOS1D mk4 flash triggered by skyport.

The important thing on a 'blink and you'll miss it'  shoot is to be prepared, our internal mantra on this type of banana skin job is 'Keep it simple stupid' or KISS for short. 

One light, one location, variety of shapes, change of lens, job done. 

happy client..you'll work again! : )