editorial and lifestyle photographers

5 Jan 2012

Leaping into action!

by Vicky Matthers

York University enquired about enlisting our help to promote their new sports facilities which are being built and will be ready this year...2012.  They wanted some images to show off their sports stars and the range of sports they have available.

All the pictures were taken over 3 days just before the Christmas break, luckily for us the weather was great for most of it, cold but lovely blue skies!  All of the participants are current students and not models, they were all happy to leap about for ages or until they ran out of energy...thanks to all of them and their patience!

We started off with a group shot of their 'club rugby' captains.  York has six different club rugby sides as well as a University team.  The brief was a team shot but not your usual line up...I think we managed that!

Whilst we were there some individual shots were in order, I wouldn't want to come across them on a rugby pitch, they look far too intimidating!

The above pictures were all taken in a dance studio as the weather wasn't very good in the morning of the first day but by the afternoon it was a completely different story, the sun was shining and although it was the middle of winter we stayed until the last ray had gone!

Some more images from the shoots below which were inside as the facilities dictated that they should be:

A great job to be involved in!