editorial and lifestyle photographers

26 Apr 2012

Talking Weather

By Matt Gore - iconphotomedia

The British are obsessive when it comes to talking about weather, here in the UK right now we're in the middle of a serious drought and have multiple hose pipe bans across the Country, Golf courses are banned from watering, car washes are closed and it's pissing down! I mean really really pissing down!
The upshot of this rather confusing and concerning (i'm sure we shouldn't be having baking hot winter months, rainy August and hot summer days in october) is that we all have something to talk about with strangers!
Ahh the legendary British awkwardness, I think that's why we like our wind swept little North Atlantic island it gives us something to mutter as we pass older folk in the street...'turned out nice again' 
Up and down the Country from London City receptions to Tyre Garages in Bude you know people are muttering 'Well if this is a drought, I'd hate to see the rainy season' 

Anyway enough rambling, all this changeable weather gives great picture opportunities. Landscape photographers love the burst of sunshine straight after rain, it's fresh and exciting. The quality of the light is superb and the highlights of a back lit scene are breath taking. 

All this gives me an excuse to publish a quick picture I shot of Walton Heath Golf Course in Surrey. Camera was in the car as always, I have mentioned before on this blog it's a throw back to my press days and the hope of capturing Reagan being shot right in front of me(!?) After a bad rain storm the clouds broke and fabulous sunshine created this Rainbow. I parked up and made a mad dash for the golf course knowing I didn't have long and wanted to get to one of my favourite holes.
I got to the Par 5 16th on the Old Course with minutes to spare before the sun went back in and the moment went.