editorial and lifestyle photographers

14 Jun 2012

Jump Start!

June has not been a good month so far not only for the terrible weather we've been having but also for my car!

The week didn't start well with a puncture on the M1 after a job on Monday in Luton, 200 miles from home in the pouring rain (why do we only ever break down in the rain?!)  After looking helpless with a jack and space saving tyre a very kind dutchman took pity and helped me change the wheel so I was off on my way, albeit limping all the way home.

Tuesday I was in Leeds photographing Adrian a film director who does a lot of car commercials, as he is between shoots I thought that it would be a great idea to use my car with headlights on in the shot.  You can probably guess the rest...20 minutes later and the car battery was flat.  Poor Adrian had to jump start my car..........

Let's hope the week gets better.....!